Vikas Trust

Striving to Ensure Social Justice

Vision, Mission and Objectives


To create a society where people are placed at the centre of all development initiatives ensuring social justice


To ensure social justice, economic and educational and political enhancement to the disadvantaged sections of the society, focusing on women and children, through developing mechanism aiming at service delivery and capacity building


The objectives for which Trust Fund is established are educational, social, cultural, economical and medical relief to the poor and downtrodden and advancement of any other charitable and developmental objects of general public utility and community welfare.

  • To establish, maintain, and/or grant aid in cash and/or kind to schools, colleges, educational institutions, hostels, hospitals, old age homes, orphanages, youth clubs, sports clubs, libraries, child and women welfare centres and/or such other similar charitable institutions in India for the benefit and use of the public in general
  • To establish, support, acquire, run and/or grant aid and other financial assistance to schools, colleges, libraries, reading rooms, hospitals, hostels, and other institutions of like nature at any place or places in the Indian Union for use of the students and the staff and also generally for the development and/or advancement of education and dissemination of knowledge amongst the public in general
  • To establish and/or grant aid for the establishment and maintenance of environmental and natural parks, sports, clubs and other akharas, tube wells, wells and water works for supply of safe drinking water and improve sanitation for the use of public in general
  • To provide help to urban and rural poor in getting essential services such as health, nutrition, education, income generation and housing
  • To provide help to the needy, the desirable, the physically and mentally handicapped and the poor without any distinction of caste, creed, colour and sex
  • To grant scholarships, prizes, stipends, loans and research fellowships to children, youth and women
  • To grant relief during natural calamities, such as famine, flood, fire and other occasion of calamities of similar nature and to give donations, subscriptions or contributions to institutions, establishments or persons during such relief work
  • To organise social, cultural and environmental activities through channelising youth energy into constructive and creative directions
  • To associate/affiliate and render assistance and/or grant aid to other public charitable trust or institutions having objectives similar to this trust.
  • To establish a network for Societies/Trusts/or other CSOs
  • To provide the help to needy artisans for the marketing of their handicraft articles