Vikas Trust

Striving to Ensure Social Justice

Target Group

targetgroupVikas Trust works with poorest and socially excluded community groups with focus on dalits, minorities, women and children. The organization has been targeting child labour families, liberated child labour families and families come under category of socially & economically poor groups. VIKAS Trust has rejuvenated its targeting approach from poorest & marginalized community groups to special social category groups. In this direction, VIKAS TRUST has been focusing its work with specifically to dalits community groups, manual scavenger groups, artisan groups and person with disability.

The field operations of Vikas Trust cover Firozabad and adjoining areas of Uttar Pradesh. Firozabad is internationally famous for its splendid glasswork and has a high density of legal and illegal glass and bangle industries. These units are spread in rural and urban area of about 45 sq km.

Read Article The State of Child Labour in Glass and Bangle Industry