Vikas Trust
Striving to Ensure Social Justice
Donate for Child Education
If you want to donate for the education of such children who have never been to school or who have dropped out after one or two years or the children who are working as child labourers in carpet industry, glass industry, agricultural industry or brick kilns and living life of slaves; you can do so by donating Rs 10,000 for one child. This money will enable him/her to get education up to class 5 and vocational training in the trade of his/her interest. All these tasks will be completed within three years.
Vikas Trust is running 18 trades at its Vocational Training Centre, Vikas Ashram. All the courses are recognised by National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT), India. So if the donors give financial help, Vikas Trust does not face any difficulty in providing professional training to the child labourers. The Trust links the child labourers to the government schools and to the private schools in their absence. At the same time it also opens up educational motivation centre, where it has a separate arrangement for two hours of their studies. These centres are to be opened up as the children being working as slaves have got weaker in studies and so require educational support.